CLICK here… July/ August 2023 ✨TRAVELING & Crystals
Amethyst Black Tourmaline Bracelet Crystals grid Jewelry Moonstone Necklace pouch Ring Rose Quartz Travel
TRAVELING & Crystals
Travelling can be a mind expanding experience – but that doesn’t mean it’s stress-free. Take your journeys with peace of mind thanks to these specifically selected crystals. Enjoy calmer airport experiences, fewer delays & a sense of security – no matter where your travels take you.
CLICK here… May/ June 2023 ✨Spring is in the air! Let’s SMUDGE & get rid of some unwanted energy!
intentions red cedar rosemary smudge smudging white sage
Spring is in the air! Let’s SMUDGE & get rid of some unwanted energy!
Another way to change your spaces energy for the better is to waft it with smoke (the good kind!). Using smoke from the embers of ancient medicinal herbs to “clear a space” is called smudging & the most popular plants to smudge with are sage, rosemary & other beautiful herbs.